Vesorts intends to produce information for Escorts and industry related parties .
Things we will be covering in coming months
Escorts a little trick to get traffic directly in Google to a website that you own ?
Stats on Escorting Research on keywords and traffic
SEO for Escorting
Escorts Before engaging an SEO firm 3 questions you need to ask
Website Design Hosting for Escorts
Clients' perspectives on hiring escorts.
The role of agencies in the escort business.
Escorts and issues of consent.
The experiences of LGBTQ+ escorts.
Mental health and escorts.
The economics of escorting.
The stigma associated with being an escort.
Escorts and drug use in the industry.
The portrayal of escorts in popular culture.
Escorts' experiences with law enforcement.
The impact of COVID-19 on the escort industry.
The intersection of race and ethnicity in escort work.
Escorts and sexual health practices.
New South Wales Australia Resources
General Articles
What advice would you give to couples who are considering hiring an escort for the first time?