Can you guess how many sex workers are in Australia ? See if you agree with our guess working as Escorts , In Brothels or Erotic Massage

Can you guess how many sex workers are in Australia ? See if you agree with our guess working as Escorts , In Brothels or Erotic Massage

Official or current statistics on the number of escorts in Australia are unavailable. Nevertheless, in 2016, the United Nations Programme on HIV and AIDS (UNAIDS) estimated that there were approximately 20,500 sex workers in Australia, with escorts constituting a substantial portion.

It's worth mentioning that the term "escort" encompasses a broad spectrum of sex work, ranging from those offering companionship and sexual services discreetly to those operating in brothels or on the streets. Consequently, providing a precise count of escorts in Australia is challenging.

Nevertheless, drawing from available data and expert opinions, it is probable that there are several thousand escorts actively working in Australia. The majority of escorts are women, but there is also a growing presence of male and transgender escorts.

Additionally, it's crucial to understand that the sex industry in Australia lacks significant regulation, making it challenging to compile accurate statistics on the number of sex workers, including escorts. As a result, the estimates provided should be viewed as approximations.


Based on our industry information we are going to take a guess . 

Escorts directories .(no names mentioned) 

  • Directory 1 15000

  • Directory 2 1700

  • Other directories and independents 2000

Total 18700 

This does not include brothel or erotic massage establishments 


Our guess for Brothels and Erotic Massage are : 


There are 18000 suburbs in Australia . We estimate there are 1 brothels per 25 suburbs and 1 erotic massage establishments


360 Brothels  

720 Erotic Massage Shops 

Total  we estimate 3 sex workers per 3240


Rounding up we Estimate 22,000 sex workers in Australia . So our guess is close to the above stat . 

In our next article we are going to a guess at how many people visit sex works 


If you are in Sydney : Find an Escort Sydney Escorts 

If you are in Penrith : Find an Escort Penrith Escorts