"Which Australian state searches for escorts the most? It may surprise you.

"Which state searches for escorts the most? It may surprise you.

I initially assumed it would be New South Wales (NSW) due to its larger population, but I was mistaken.

On average, there are approximately 100 daily searches for the term 'escort,' totaling 3,000 per month. This is surprising, especially when compared to Penrith Escorts, which receives 5,000 searches per month.

As shown in the following image, New South Wales doesn't even make it into the top 5 for this search term.

From this data, we can draw some conclusions. Geographical location, combined with the term 'escort,' seems to be a more popular option. For instance, Sydney Escorts receives around 44,000 searches per calendar month, while Penrith Escorts gets about 5,000.

It appears that the Northern Territory is a particularly active region in this regard. AKA Horny

If a sex worker has their own website, it's advisable to focus on local search terms rather than broader ones."